NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro – refers to how the mind and body interact. Physical changes are linked with emotions. For example, we may experience ‘butterflies’ in the stomach when we’re nervous, or blush if we’re embarrassed. Some people may have a dry mouth when they feel anxious. In essence, all behaviour is physiological which means it has its origins in the neurological processes; sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Linguistic – refers to the insights into a person’s thinking. We use language to order our thoughts and communicate with others. The cognitive or thinking part of your brain relies on language to make sense of our experiences and to interpret our world. ​Programming – refers not to the activity of programming, but to the study of the thinking and behavioural patterns or ‘programmes’ which people use in their daily lives; how we organise ideas and actions. When we respond to a situation in a certain way, this response becomes a template for the future and is repeated when other similar situations are encountered. This pattern is learned by the brain and will continue to be used until something different is programmed or learned. ​A number of empowering methods and techniques are used to help people change how they think, feel and behave. This can be achieved through the use of visualisation techniques, adapting the way your mind perceives the world and detaching it from unwanted or painful memories. It differs from hypnosis in that no formal trance is induced, however, NLP can also be used whilst in hypnosis, which can be incredibly beneficial.